Top 5 SMS Integration Tools

Top 5 SMS Integration Tools

CloudContactAI’s Services Here at CloudContactAI (CCAI), our primary objective is to reinforce and streamline the company-to-customer communication pipeline.  It is incredibly easy to import contact lists, send event-based SMS campaigns, and organize contacts...
Using SMS Messaging for Recruiting

Using SMS Messaging for Recruiting

Why is Text Recruiting Necessary?   Communication is important between vetting candidates.  If recruiters waste too much time struggling to coordinate with candidates for a good opportunity to talk, it will result in congestion in the hiring process.  Worse, this...
Transactional SMS

Transactional SMS

What is a Transactional Text Message? As opposed to marketing SMS which is designed to show goods and generate interest in what’s on offer, transactional SMS refers to messages that are primarily focused on providing important information to users. These messages are...