How to Utilize SMS Marketing as a Personal Trainer

With virtual personal training at an all-time high, utilizing SMS marketing is a must!


Whether you’re a personal trainer, health coach, or nutritionist, the most important thing you can do to build your business is to motivate your clients. Being that text messaging is the primary way that most people communicate today, it only makes sense that you would take advantage of this as a business owner. 

  • Create significant and long-lasting ties with your customers.
  • Adapt to the needs of mobile customers.
  • Deliver critical messages
  • Obtain a competitive advantage
  • Grow your business.

All the information you can gather on your clients’ attendance, commitment, awareness of industry changes, and any other information that could assist them achieve their goals. This can all be done in a matter of seconds via text message. Keeping in touch with your clients is essential once you’ve established a relationship with them. 


Here are some great ways you can utilize texting as a personal trainer:

Promote Upcoming Classes

There are hundreds of distinct classes that a personal trainer might offer to their clients, and within each of those classes, there are countless additions. Sending bulk text messages to your clients is a fast and efficient way to update them on any new classes you may have to offer. 

Change in Location

A situation that can arise for trainers that are quite similar to the one described above is the possibility of having to relocate their sessions. This may be due to circumstances that are beyond their control, or it may be due to a change in their own preferences, such as a desire to hold a session in an outdoor space; however, as the success of this endeavor may be contingent on the weather, you may need to spread the word on the day of the event.

If you ever decide to make such a change in between courses or if you are forced to make such a change, it can be time-consuming to phone all of your clients to let them know about it. A strategy of this kind might also be considered unnecessarily intrusive, not to mention useless, given that you won’t be able to communicate with the majority of them.

Text messages, on the other hand, are somewhat invasive. and will be waiting for the recipient the next time they check their phone’s screen. Utilizing a quality SMS marketing service will keep your clients up to speed. 

Dietary Reminders

Dieting sucks. Plain and simple. It’s hard to stay motivated while you’re trying to diet. By reminding your clients via the occasional text message about their dietary goals, you can motivate them to stay disciplined.

By sending your clients a detailed diet plan through text, you know that they’ll always have access to the details they need to stay on track. You can also use texting as a way to check in on occasion to see how their diet is going and if they have any questions.

Side Note:

I wouldn’t recommend sending clients regular reminders to stick with their diet. This may come off as annoying to them, especially if they are doing well with their nutrition. 


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Class Scheduling

Sometimes, for circumstances that cannot be anticipated, such as a serious traffic jam or a medical emergency, it is necessary to postpone or cancel scheduled class times.

Not only may the use of mass texting make it possible for you to inform all of your customers as fast as possible about these developments, but it may also make it feasible for you to rapidly reschedule classes and make sure that everyone is informed of the new times.


If you have a quality SMS service in place, clients can also text you to let you know they’ll be missing class, making it easy for them to reschedule. 


Payment Reminders

Having a client with an outstanding balance is tough no matter what business you’re in. It’s important to get paid for your services, but it’s also important not to come off as pushy or threatening when inquiring about getting paid.

If a client owes you money and you call them, it is likely that they won’t pick up the phone. Not because they’re trying to avoid paying you, but because it’s awkward and embarrassing to have to explain over the phone why your payment is late. 


By contacting them via text message, and using these payment reminder templates, you can pretty much guarantee that they won’t feel attacked or upset by your reminder.


Are You Ready to Get Started?

Text messages are still one of the few remaining marketing channels that are underutilized by professionals in the fields of health, wellness, nutrition, and fitness. SMS marketing helps you come across as nice and approachable, which are both key attributes that personal trainers, coaches, and nutritionists should have.

Texts are useful for more than just converting clients. They make it easier for you to transform your clients into friends.

Cloud contact AI is a major SMS marketing platform that offers simple-to-use SMS business solutions for businesses. Our user-friendly and reasonably priced interface makes it suitable for companies of any size and industry. Change the way you do business with Cloud Contact AI.



Want to Learn More About our services? Connect with one of CCAI's SMS Marketing Experts Today!

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Jacob Murphy

Jacob Murphy

Jake is CloudContactAI's Director of Content Creation. When he's not working, you can likely find him enjoying the great outdoors.

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