4 Payment Request Templates that Won’t Make You Sound Pushy

There are a number of reasons that people miss payments. Sometimes a simple reminder is all it takes to get a customer to pay. In this article, we'll cover four different payment reminder templates you can use to get customers to pay.

What Makes Payment Reminders Valuable

When dealing with a customer who has missed a payment, it’s important to maintain a professional image. Harassing someone who has missed a payment not only shines a negative light on you and your business, but it’s unlikely to get anyone to pay their balance. 

While it’s frustrating when a customer hasn’t paid (especially for a small business), maintaining a cool composure and not coming off as pushy will benefit you in the long run. 

So, here are five templates you can use to request an outstanding payment without sounding pushy:



One-Week Overdue Reminder Template:

Hi, [Client Name]!

This is [Associate Name] with [Company Name].

Payment for Invoice [#] of [invoice amount] is one week overdue.

You can make your payment here: [Link to payment].

If there is anything we can do to assist you in getting this settled, please reach out! 

 Thank you for your time.

[first name]


One Day Overdue Reminder Template:

Hello [Client Name], 

This is [Associate Name] with [Company Name].

According to our records, Invoice [#] is overdue as of yesterday. Currently, there is a balance due of [amount].

I’ve attached the invoice and payment options here [insert invoice link].

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us.

Thank you for your time.

[First name]

Two Weeks Overdue Reminder Template:

Hello, [Name of Client]!

This is [Associate Name] with [Company Name].

I wanted to get in touch with you since my records indicate that the payment of invoice [#] is two weeks overdue.

For your convenience, I’ve included the invoice and payment option here: [link]. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do to help you. A status update would be really appreciated after the payment is made.

Please keep in mind that late penalties will be imposed on any payments that are more than 30 days overdue.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you.

[enter the first name here].

One Month Overdue Reminder Template:

Hello, [Name of Client]

This is [Associate Name] with [Company Name].

We are reaching out to remind you that  your payment on invoice [#] is now 30 days overdue as of [Date]. 

I’ve attached the invoice here [insert link] to make the payment process easy and hassle-free.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions regarding making a payment.

Thank you, 

[First Name]


Additional Tips for Putting Together Payment Reminders

Never sound threatening

• Offer an easy way to pay within your reminder by sending the client a link

• Always offer assistance by inviting clients to reach out to get any questions they may have answered.

• Don’t mention consequences

• Don’t reach out more than once per week. Any more frequent than this is too pushy/ aggressive. 



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Jacob Murphy

Jacob Murphy

Jake is CloudContactAI's Director of Content Creation. When he's not working, you can likely find him enjoying the great outdoors.

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