What Makes a Successful Text Message?

SMS Marketing is one of the most effective tools available today. Sending a successful text, however is not always cut and dry.

Your Text Matters

In 2022, it’s tough to choose the best method to communicate with customers. Phone calls go unanswered. Emails wind up getting buried among thousands of other promotions which wind up never getting opened. Text messages however, have a high open-rate. Plus, Up to 90% of customers prefer text messaging to any other form of communication (primarily emails or phone calls) when it comes to contacting a business.

Once you’ve chosen to utilize SMS for your business, it’s important to know what makes a text message successful. When it comes to creating text messages for your business, you have a character limit of 160, regardless of whether you run a dental clinic or an e-commerce marketing campaign.
In this article, we’ll cover a few key points that will make your next SMS campaign successful.


Keep it Short and Sweet

Clear and well-structured language is not only simple to comprehend, but it also helps maintain the credibility of the campaign and saves money on marketing expenses. This is because there is a character limit for each SMS. It is recommended that you do not go above the maximum number of characters allowed for an SMS message, which is often 70 or 160 characters (in Latin or Cyrillic).

Each SMS in the Cloud Contact AI system includes an indication of the character limit. This provides you with the information you need to properly organize your sending strategy in order to stay under the allotted character count.

Don’t Be Vague

Ambiguous words and symbols or emojis just take up space. Since there is a character limit for text messages, it’s crucial that you choose your words carefully and don’t confuse your recipient.
Convey your message in a clear and concise manner.

Personalize it!

Personalizing your text messages makes your customers feel as if they are more than just patrons. Personalized SMS campaigns have been shown to be a successful marketing tactic that can help you stand out from the competition. In addition to sending relevant offers, you may make your message seem more human-like by using certain personal data such as the sender’s name, purchases that are linked to the topic at hand, geolocation, and so on.
Certainly, there is no requirement to include a name in each and every promotional text message (which are, by definition, impersonal), but including a name in a birthday greeting or reminder would appear up to place.

Take Your Business to the Next Level

CCAI’s SMS marketing strategies yield a 99% open rate. What have you got to lose?

Offer a Promo Code

If your text message has something to offer the recipient, it’s likely that they’ll be excited to see that they have a text from your business. Something as simple as a 15% discount on a purchase can be enough to keep people subscribed to your texts.


Include a Link

If you send someone a message without a link in it, one thing can be guaranteed; no action will be taken after the text is opened. We live in a fast-paced world and it’s unrealistic to expect that someone will receive your message, close their texting app, and go visit your website.
It sounds ridiculous, but that’s the nature of smartphone use today.
Including a link in your text messages to customers gives them a fast and easy way to visit your website, make a purchase, or check out other products you have to offer.


Optimize Send Times.

Even if you don’t have enough information about your customers to create a schedule that is specific to one of them, you should keep in mind that most people prefer not to be disturbed late at night, very early in the morning, or on the weekends.
You should also keep in mind that short message service (SMS) is seen as a more private channel than any other and that people are more inclined to give their email address than their phone number. And if they do share it with you, show your gratitude for their trust by avoiding sending regular promotions via text message. Spamming via text is a no-go.



The use of short message service (SMS) by marketers is a fantastic technique to supplement existing marketing strategies and make personal contact with clients. Working with it is not difficult, and it does not demand a significant amount of effort on your behalf. Employing the tried-and-true method of sending a text message to your audience will help you achieve meaningful conversion rates.

Cloud Contact AI offers an easy-to-use interface, and a guarantee that your SMS campaigns will be in accordance with any and all A2P 10DLC Rules and Regulations. Contact us today to learn more!


Want to Learn More About our services? Connect with one of CCAI's SMS Marketing Experts Today!

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Jacob Murphy

Jacob Murphy

Jake is CloudContactAI's Director of Content Creation. When he's not working, you can likely find him enjoying the great outdoors.

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