SMS for NonProfit Organizations

SMS Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations

When it comes to nonprofits, marketing might seem like an unorthodox approach to achieve your goals. Whether your nonprofit organizations mission is to help the needy, feed the hungry, care for animals or whatever else your mission may be. SMS marketing is an effective tool to help your nonprofit effectively increase your organizations awareness as well as operate more effectively.


In order to keep your nonprofit funded and maintain a presence in your supporters minds, effectively using marketing strategies is essential. This guide will go over ways to use SMS marketing strategies to keep your nonprofit functioning so you can achieve your goals.

Effectively using SMS marketing will help alleviate some of the daunting tasks many nonprofits face with event invitations, event coordination, fundraising, recruiting volunteers and more. Text messaging is one of the most effective marketing tools to implement and getting started is simple.

Benefits of SMS Marketing

98% Open Rates

Delivered and Read within Minutes

Most Adults in the US have a Cell Phone with Texting



Can Nonprofits Use SMS Marketing?

 Nonprofits can send text messages also known as short message service (SMS) to their audience, and what’s great is that it is much easier for nonprofits to do so than other for profit businesses. You see, for businesses to use text marketing, a business must first recieve consent from recipients to send them messages. This consent to receive text messages is referred to as an opt-in.

For nonprofits, an opt-in consent is obtainable verbally. This is a special priveledge for nonprofits, as other for profit company’s need to receive written consent to begin sending messages to an audience.


SMS Marketing For Nonprofits Organizations

How to Use SMS as a Nonprofit

There are a number of way’s which nonprofits can use SMS. Whether it’s to raise money, increase awareness, send out event invitations or event reminders and more. We will go over a few examples of how to effectively use SMS as a Nonprofit.

Raising Money and Increasing Donations

One of the complex natures of many nonprofits is their ability to reliably receive donations in order to continue pursuing their goals. Text message marketing for nonprofits can boost the effectiveness of fundraising in a number of ways.

One great strategy is to send thank you messages to individuals or organizations who have donated to you in the past! A heartfelt thank you is always a good way to engage with your audience. This is also an opportunity for you to inform them how their donations helped you, and what you are currently focused on fundraising for.

Your audience will be excited to be informed with your current fundraising goals, turning a thank you message into an opportunity for additional donations!

Another effective strategy is to send photo’s or videos to your audience, also known as multimedia message service (MMS), with pictures of your team doing volunteer work, handing out meals, helping build homes for the needy, and anything else that helps show your nonprofits efforts in action. A picture is worth a thousand words, and allowing your audience to see what their donations have been used to help accomplish is an effective way to increase future donations.

How To Use SMS for Nonprofits

Event Invitations and Reminders

One great way for nonprofit organizations to use SMS marketing is to use texting for event invitations, reminders and event communication. Text marketing allows your non profit to reach a large audience instantly! This real time communication is great for invitations, reminders and last minute changes to events held by non-profit organizations.

CloudContactAI also has the functionality to schedule messages to your audience, making reminders and invitations easy and allows you to strategize your campaigns in the most effective way possible.

Communication with Volunteers and Organizers

Another challenge that nonprofits face is with event coordination for volunteers and organizations. Text messaging makes communication for events simple, effective and quick. You can use sms marketing to assign tasks before the event, make changes as necessary during the event as well as maintain a clear communication on what is happening as the event unfolds.

The Bottom Line 

These are just a few examples of how nonprofit organizations can benefit from SMS marketing. If you are ready to begin implementing these strategies today, CloudContactAI is here to help you take your SMS marketing efforts to the next level. With a library of resources, dedicated onboarding staff and an incredibly user platform, getting started has never been easier. Click the link below to start your SMS marketing journey today!

Not sure if you’re ready to revolutionize the way your business communicates? Sign up for our 14-day free trial!

What do you have to lose?

Cody Kelly

Cody Kelly

Cody is an experienced Marketing Specialist with over a decade worth of experience in marketing and client success. He creates and optimizes content, articles and guides to help businesses of all sizes grow. With a background in marketing, hospitality, and finance, Cody has consistently increased profitability for clients with strategic planning while delivering first class service.

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