Debt Collection for Multi Clients

Multi-Client Capability for Debt-Collection

Debt Collection is a complex problem that requires an organized and detail oriented approach. With CloudContactAI's multi-client capability, you can create separate clients for each type of debt collection in order to help enhance your collection efforts.

What is Multi-Client Capability?

Debt collection can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially when you’re managing multiple loan types or locations. That’s where CloudContactAI‘s multi-client capabilities come in. With CCAI’s SMS Marketing Platform, you can create multiple client profiles, each tailored for its own specific SMS campaigns, templates, and settings; all within a single account.

This allows you to tailor your debt collection efforts to each client’s unique needs, and keep your collections efforts organized and efficient.

Debt Collection Open Rates

99% Open Rates

Reach your audience faster with open rates 10x greater than email.

Cost Effective Debt Collection

30x ROI

Invest in SMS marketing and start seeing results immediately!

Scheduled SMS Campaigns

Scheduled SMS Campaigns

Send scheduled SMS Campaigns with ease!

Scheduled Campaigns

Save time and effort. You can automate the sending of SMS messages, which can save you a significant amount of time and effort.
Ensure that your messages are sent to your audience at the right time to improve your chances of a successful outreach.

With CloudContactAI, you can schedule your SMS campaign messages to send to your contact lists at the exact time you choose, which can help you to ensure that your messages are seen by your clients when they’re most likely to be receptive to them.

If you’re looking for a way to save time, improve efficiency, and to ensure that your SMS marketing campaigns are successful, then SMS campaign scheduling with CloudContactAI is a great option.

Tips for Successful Scheduled SMS Campaigns:

Test your scheduled campaigns

Once you’ve created your scheduled SMS campaigns, it’s important to test them before you send them to your clients. This will help you to ensure that your messages are sent properly and that they’re being delivered as you intended.

Review and monitor your scheduled campaign results

Once you’ve sent your scheduled SMS campaigns, it’s important to monitor the results. This will help you to determine the effectiveness of your campaigns and to make adjustments as needed. By taking the time to review your campaigns and make adjustments, you can continually increase the effectiveness of your campaigns and your overall debt collection efforts.
By following these tips, you can be sure your scheduled SMS campaigns are effective and that they are reaching your clients with the right message at the right time.

SFTP Integration

One of the key features of CloudContactAI’s SMS Marketing Platform is it’s integration with Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). With the SFTP integration, CloudContactAI users are provided with a secure and efficient means of transferring data files.

Using SFTP, businesses can securely import their contact lists into the SMS platform, ensuring that customer data is protected. The platform’s security measures and encryption protocols guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the transferred files, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

Contact List Segmentation

Another benefit of multi-client capability is the ability to segment your contact lists between multiple clients. You can upload contact lists for each specific debt collection effort or client type such as credit card, home loans, auto loans, etc.

This contact segmentation keeps your debt collection efforts organized and helps reduce the potential for errors of sending the wrong campaign to the wrong contacts.

If you are looking for resources on how to create and upload contact lists check out our how-to guide here.

Examples of Multiple Client Accounts:

  • Auto Loans
  • Credit Cards
  • Personal Loans
  • Home Loans
Multi-Client Accounts

Examples of Multiple Client Accounts:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
Multi-Client Accounts for Debt Category

The Bottom Line

CloudContactAI’s multi-client capabilities are a powerful tool that can help you to improve your debt collection efforts. By creating multiple client profiles and tailoring your SMS campaigns to each client’s unique needs, you can increase your efficiency, accuracy, and compliance.

Are you looking for a way to improve your debt collection efforts? CloudContactAI’s multi-client capabilities can help. Contact us today to learn more.

Not sure if you’re ready to revolutionize the way your business communicates? Sign up for our 14-day free trial!

What do you have to lose?

Cody Kelly

Cody Kelly

Cody is an experienced Marketing Specialist with over a decade worth of experience in marketing and client success. He creates and optimizes content, articles and guides to help businesses of all sizes grow. With a background in marketing, hospitality, and finance, Cody has consistently increased profitability for clients with strategic planning while delivering first class service.

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