Create and Upload Contacts

Create and Upload Contacts / Contact Lists with CCAI

If you’re new to our platform it’s understandable that you may not know how to use every feature just yet. However, CCAI has a simple-to-use user interface that you’ll have the hang of in no time if you read and/or watch our comprehensive tutorials! We want our users to have every resource possible to use our product efficiently and streamline their business efforts.

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How to Create and Upload Contacts

Author: Jake Murphy



2. Click on “CONTACTS”

Click Contacts from menu

3. Click on ‘Add Contacts’

If you’re brand new to CloudContactAI, you won’t have any contacts listed in your account.

Add Contacts to contact list

4. Manually Upload a CSV File to Add Multiple Contacts at Once

To do this, check ‘Upload CSV file’, then select your file. Be sure that you have a first name, last name, phone number, and email column or the file will be rejected.

5. Once Your File is Uploaded, Select ‘Create’

 File is Uploaded, Select ‘Create’

6. Now, We’ll Manually Upload a Single Contact

Select ‘Create Contact’

Manually Upload a Single Contact

7. Select ‘Manually Add Contacts’

Add new contacts manually-CCAI

8. Add the First Name of Your Contact

Add first name of your contact

9. Add the last name of your contact

Add last name of your contact

10. Add the Phone Number and Email of Your Contact

Add phone number and email-CCAI

11. Click ‘Create’

Click create-CCAI

12. Send Your First Campaign!

Once you’ve got contacts uploaded, it’s time to start sending. We’ll cover this in our next tutorial.

What Industries Can Utilize SMS Marketing?



Debt Collection




Political Campaigns

Real Estate



Sports Facilities
